

2023年5月に開催されるG7広島サミット(主要国首脳会議)関係閣僚会合として、令和5年5月12日(金曜日)~15日(月曜日)に、G7富山・金沢教育大臣会合を開催します。このマガ… もっと読む


Day 2 of G7 Education Ministers’ Meeting in Toyama and Kanazawa② Two afternoon sessions and  welcome dinner hosted by the local organizer

Day 2 of G7 Education Ministers’ Meeting in Toyama and Kanazawa② Two afternoon sessions and welcome dinner hosted by the local organizer

On Day 2, the ministers meeting started in the afternoon.

Theme 1: The role of schools in the society after the COVID-19 pandemicMinister Nagaoka who chaired the session, made a presentation on the e

Day 2 of G7 Education Ministers’ Meeting in Toyama and KanazawaMEXT Minister Nagaoka holds bilateral meetings with delegates of France, Saarland/Germany, OECD, and UNESCO

Day 2 of G7 Education Ministers’ Meeting in Toyama and KanazawaMEXT Minister Nagaoka holds bilateral meetings with delegates of France, Saarland/Germany, OECD, and UNESCO

On Day 2 of the G7 Education Ministers’ Meeting in Toyama and Kanazawa held on Saturday, May 13, MEXT Minister NAGAOKA Keiko worked to strengthen relations with G7 nations and international organizati

Day 2 of the G7 Education Minister’s Meeting in Toyama and Kanazawa began with an Opening Session attended by the Heads of Delegations(HODs) of all participating nations and organizations.

Day 2 of the G7 Education Minister’s Meeting in Toyama and Kanazawa began with an Opening Session attended by the Heads of Delegations(HODs) of all participating nations and organizations.

In the opening address, MEXT Minister NAGAOKA Keiko explained this was the first time in seven years for Japan to host the meeting. The following topics were proposed and adopted by the end of the ses

G7 Education Ministers’ Meeting in Toyama and Kanazawa Begins! We report on the delegates’ Day 1 visit.

G7 Education Ministers’ Meeting in Toyama and Kanazawa Begins! We report on the delegates’ Day 1 visit.

The G7 Education Ministers’ Meeting in Toyama and Kanazawa has opened today.

On Day 1, the ministers went on a tour to visit elementary and junior high schools and cultural facilities in Toyama Prefe
